But we love to go there, selain menyelesaikan urusan2 rasmi [boleh kot gitu kan], sambil jalan2... Here some pics sewaktu kami pegi 9.08.08 hari tu..
Golf course at the back..
he sat at the wakaf n took this pic
he still sitting n my turn snapped his pic n a cat too
we ate kentang n kerang at the stall nearby the beach
we're waiting for this actually...^_^
nutaizaf....!! nk blaja photography dengan abg mat ke?..siapa la abg mat ni nk jd cikgu...tp klu nk apa salahnya...berdasarkan pengalaman...boleh diusahakan..nutaizaf tinggal di mana...abg mat di batu pahat johor.
in the midst of waiting azan suboh..., accidentally clicked at your blog...
Impressed with those cherish shots..
Seemed u got the talent... R u from Batu Pahat? If yes, u can look for nourahmat. He'll be your sifu to sharpen your skills and talent
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